May 19, 2009

Daydreaming is excellent for your brains

Boy! Back in 1982 as I am listening to Prince's Purple Rain (right now Father's song is playing). As far as I can recall my dad asked me to study the school's brochure during my holidays in order to improve my English.

One note from a teacher, soon to be followed by others, mentioned that the French student is "a daydreamer".

Well, Almost 27 years later (God, playing!) the french magazine Le nouvel Obs proves me right with this article based on a scientific study ran by Kalina Christoff (check the papers at Christofflab).

The news in English

The original study lead by Kalina Christoff can be purchased here

Welcome to wanderland!

May 18, 2009

$700 to become a monk

A very interesting article from Courrier International had a catchy title "700 dollars to become a monk"... Australian head of a non governmental agency, Ben Bowler created

If I could I would go to Cambodia, Thailand or Japan and try, like my friend Antoine in Cambodia or André in Thailand or with the monks in Meiji Jingu in Harajuku, Tokyo.

FaceBook profile :
Twitter :

May 15, 2009

Our future work... from TIME

As I do not communicate anymore with my prospective friend, here's an article with the latest trends when it come to work. Time magazine remains at the edge of time,28804,1898024_1898023,00.html

May 14, 2009

French video makes a hit over the internet (not my friend)

This for Antoine... Come back rue Montorgueil for a Beauty Patrol...

e leash?

Are we 'kept in leash' as we use mobile phones? This is the main reaction to an article published in LibĂ©ration about a monthly mobile service subscription for poor people (€10/month). The article is entitled "it is discriminating not to have a mobile"...

You can check the French article here

Given that my mobile became :
  • a communication mean whether voice centric or verbose (text messages and MMS)
  • a contact vault
  • a secondary camera for pictures (8MP max, for now) and video
  • a secondary audio (MP3/MP4/AAC)
  • a secondary video player (H264)
  • a secondary and limited game station
  • a convenient storage
  • a wireless remote control
  • anything else?

May 9, 2009

A real Nikon specialist... Choulan

When I got my Nikon D70 I wondered how many pictures I took. As I browsed the internet to find answers, I downloaded ShootNum. This software gave the answers I was looking for. That software has been developed by Choulan.

You can check the following pages in french:
I also found this site