December 31, 2007
Yesterday we made Soba to celebrate the end of the year (2 of us)...
Tonight we'll have a home party with our family friends (5 people) to celebrate the end of the year...
2008 is really expected...
Buren, Daniel
What more than stripes? We made so many jokes about the artist like when we had a T-shirt with stripes and we called it "T-shirt Buren". We also applied the concept to shirts...
More about the artist in the following links :
December 28, 2007
Canard, Duck, Kamo, Ente
I remember the story of a little kid who was followed by his pet duck.
I recalled also the Japanese experiments with scientists who laid a color cube next to a duck egg. The freshly hatched duck immediately took the cube for his mom/parent. The stiry had me cry ; I found it sad and dsiturbing to imagine that poor little yellow thing ignored by a non creature with no souls and feelings...
I hate it when people take ducks for more stupid than they are.
Dell asks customers
I switched back to Mac this year after many PCs... I am so crazy for Apple hardware (and excellent software too!).
Yet Dell has realy impressed me with the consumer/user forum :
Ask a customer about possible product improvement sounds like the road to wisdom and success.
December 20, 2007
Chinsagu No Hana ["I'd like to be involved"]
This is the feeling I have when I am among foreigner people who 'do not seem to care' about me.
Have you ever experienced that feeling : you can't speak a language that you love and the people around you are talking so much. You feel like you do not belong to the party and nobody cares about you. Of course they do care but they enjoy their culture. Yet you feel lonely like the guy outside the restaurant looking at the people enjoying ; he feels more hungry for company than for the food itself.
Next time it happens to you, focus on the beauty of the language and try to decode some expressions on the faces and in the eyes.
Listen to this beautiful song and raise volume at 2:00 to get the emotional musical background melody. The women's voices give humanity to the song too.
Sadness and yet hope are in this song. I can almost picture a movie scene with a daunted human being who finds the courage to stand up and look at the rising sun with a slow moving smile on their tear covered face.
Chinsagu No Hana, Beauty, Sakamoto Ryuichi
Chinsagu No Hana
Chisagu nu hanaya, chimisashi ni sumiti.
Uya nu yushigutu ya, chimu ni simiri.
Yuyu harasu funi ya, ni nu fa fushi mi-ati.
Wan nacheru uya ya, wan du mi ati.
Tun nu buri-bushi ya, yumiba yumariyun.
Uya nu yushigutu ya, yumin naranu.
Takara tama yatin, migikaniba sabisu.
Asayu chimu migachi, uchiyu watara.
Agari akagariba, shimi nare ga ichun.
Kashira yuti tabori, wa uya-ganashi.
Chinsagu nu hana ya, chimisachi ni sumiti.
Uya nu yushigutu ya. Chimu ni siniri.
The Flower of Balsam, one dyes on one's fingernails.
The words of one's parents, one must dye in one's heart.
Ships sailing the night seas take their bearing by the pole star.
The parents who gave me birth take their bearings by me.
One has to study and to master the name of constellations.
But the lessons taught by one's parents are no mastered by study alone.
Even gems and treasures will rust unless polished.
Polishing my spirit night and days, I traverse this transient world.
When the sun rises, I shall go off to study.
Please plait my hair, my dear mother.
The Flower of Balsam, one dyes on one's fingernails.
The words of one's parents, one must dye in one's heart.
December 13, 2007
I wrote a post about depression as the French Ministry of Health issued an advertising campaign to help people suffering. The document is mostly useful and testimonials are used as a way to show that it can happen to anybody and they are not alone.
With an increased competition, weakened family, materialism and lightspeed news, we are submitted to stress, frustration and attacks.
I still remember the feeling before exams or right after bad news... The only way is to dive into action. Even hopless action is still better than let go and be passive. The least passive, the least depression can enter your brains. And it is one way to strt changing your life too.
December 11, 2007
Headroom, Max
December 4, 2007
keitai shousetsu
During my trips to Japan I saw all the passengers using their "keitai" [mobile] with an astonishing usage of their fingers whatever the size of the keyboard. Looks like the keitai becomes an extension of their person : key, wallet, TV, eBook, games, email...
Japan is way ahead of technology yet the content/themes of these books is more frightening than the innovative way of publishing.
November 29, 2007
Tenohira no shosetsu, Kawabata Yasunari
November 28, 2007
Chichin, Frédéric
Legend has it that Prince took a sample from Rita Mitsouko's music. Just listen to singing in the shower tonight!
November 22, 2007
Japan is trendy
Check ! The idea behind the name is 'bring all you need with you'. Clever!
Another proof that Japanese words are trendy.
Power of dreams and passion in work?
You can find his picture on findagrave.
November 20, 2007
Tokyo acknowledged world best for restaurants
As published and subject to controversy it is the first time Michelin has ever pubished a guide for Tokyo restaurants.
I feel lucky to know the best lady guide for Japan with an experienced, delicate and always proven right taste... She took me to the best sushi place in my whole life and also had me experience more restaurants to upgrade my taste : domo arigato gozaimashita PN ;-)
Ikitai (I wanna go) to tabetai (I wanna eat)
November 19, 2007
Kuki ga Yomenai
It means litteraly "I can't read the air". The true meaning is that, for instance, when sitting in a meeting and everybody wants to end but one participant will go on, this one cannot read the air. An extension is that one cannot understand what's happening around.
It does apply to my current work situation : I do not understand anymore my environment, my collegues and the company itself.
Yet my question is : what to do when you feel as a drifter? I'm slowly sliding out of this company. But where am I heading to? This is when I would need a crystal ball!
November 8, 2007
Mogari no mori by Naomi Kawase

I love Japanese movies because of the esthetics (the expression of beauty), the language and the culture. This one surprised me as I did not really like it at first but then it slowly grew on me : as the old man (Shigeki) and the young lady (Machiko) got into the forest, I was caught by the movie as the intensity grew. Shigeki shows the way of love, respect and devotion and Machiko, the way of selfishlessness (is that English?) and dedication.
The first element to catch my attention was the quality of the photo. Hideyo Nakano has a very special eye : sometimes on the move to stress the action and most of times like the eye of God on the human beings, calm and steady. The wind blowing on the green vegetables (gree wheat?) reminded me of my time in the army in 1993, at the back of a truck, the only consolation came from the beauty of nature and countryside...
I found out this morning that the movie won the "grand prix du jury au Festival de Cannes 2007".
One of the best scenes was when the lady removed her top and bra to hold the old man in her arms and make him warm : it was sensual (in a clean way) and very moving as she previously lost her baby. Mogari means "end of mourning" in Japanese.
Difficult to explain how touching the movie was. Read more at IMDB.
Another step on the path of understanding the meaning of life and a moment of warmth in a cold world. Another "Food for thought" movie.
Thank you Naomi Kawase
October 31, 2007
Friendly fire
October 10, 2007
October 8, 2007
October 5, 2007
October 2, 2007
October 1, 2007
September 30, 2007
September 29, 2007
September 28, 2007
September 27, 2007
September 25, 2007
September 24, 2007
Momiji, the "shin" generation

When the gardener came back, I asked him for 3 new cuttings. I also met our executive neighbor who happens to be a successful gardener. He mentioned "growth hormone" for cuttings. An excellent article from Le Monde, which I read by chance, also led me to trying one more time.
Momiji, the "karakara" Japanese mapple

Now, it's all karakara (dried out). Yet my wishes are still alive : never let go until you're sure it's over.
I hope to write a post about this endeavour in a couple weeks from now and show how it revives. Wish E.T. was around! Do you remember the flower scene from 1982? This movie and Star Wars fuelled a generation's dreams and many more.
September 22, 2007
This is the place I worked the whole week
One week ago in Paris

September 21, 2007
September 18, 2007
September 17, 2007
Sometimes life seems like a manga strip
While listening to Massive Attack... How could I ever forget 'Unfinished Sympathy' in Paris' Chinatown on Edgard's TV. MTV had it. As well as Prince. Still remember the day I rushed out to buy videotapes to record the 'Prince day' clips. Who will ever remember this in the future? Hope my soul is a suitcase for memories...